internal/reflectlite.Value.typ (field)

15 uses

	internal/reflectlite (current package)
		value.go#L38: 	typ *abi.Type
		value.go#L93: 	if v.typ.Size() != goarch.PtrSize || !v.typ.Pointers() {
		value.go#L104: 	t := v.typ
		value.go#L231: 		if v.typ.NumMethod() == 0 {
		value.go#L252: 		tt := (*ptrType)(unsafe.Pointer(v.typ))
		value.go#L334: 		tt := (*arrayType)(unsafe.Pointer(v.typ))
		value.go#L352: 	if v.typ == nil {
		value.go#L355: 	return v.typ.NumMethod()
		value.go#L368: 	x = x.assignTo("reflectlite.Set", v.typ, target)
		value.go#L370: 		typedmemmove(v.typ, v.ptr, x.ptr)
		value.go#L383: 	return toRType(v.typ)
		value.go#L418: 	case directlyAssignable(dst, v.typ):
		value.go#L425: 	case implements(dst, v.typ):
		value.go#L445: 	panic(context + ": value of type " + toRType(v.typ).String() + " is not assignable to type " + toRType(dst).String())